Sunday, August 3, 2014

Australian Embassy, Citrus Australia launch Australian oranges promo

Australian Embassy, Citrus Australia launch Australian oranges promo

In Photo: Austrade Senior Trade Commissioner Anthony Weymouth, Citrus Australia Ltd. Market Access Manager David Daniels, Australian Ambassador Bill Twedell and Citrus Australia Ltd. General Manager Market Development Andrew Harty

In Photo: Australian oranges have the reputation for being the sweetest in the world

AUSTRALIAN Ambassador Bill Tweddell hosted the launch of the “Australian Oranges—Now in Season” promotion at his residence, attended by retail and industry representatives. The event officially kicked off the season and availability of Australian oranges in the Philippines.
“Australian oranges have long enjoyed a reputation for being the sweetest in the world. And very important, Australian farms are known for being pollution-free with high standards of food safety. We are proud of our Australian oranges, which are ‘Sweet, Safe & Healthy,’” explained Tweddell.
“We are happy to collaborate with Citrus Australia in introducing the world’s sweetest oranges to the Philippines.  This is also the best time to do so during Australian winter, when Australian oranges are in season,” he added.
Citrus Australia General Manager of Market Development Andrew Harty explained why Australian oranges are of superior quality: “Australian oranges are very tasty because of the farming practices we have followed for many generations, the varietals Australian farmers grow, and because Australia is blessed with climatic and soil attributes ideal for growing the world’s best oranges.”
Tweddell and Harty were joined by Citrus Australia’s Market Access Manager David Daniels and Austrade Senior Trade Commissioner Anthony Weymouth during the launch. Industry guests sampled a variety of excellent food and drinks that used fresh Australian oranges as key ingredient.
Daniels discussed the food-safety reputation of Australian oranges: “Every batch of oranges is tracked from the farm to the packing house, and then on the ship during its voyage to the Philippines. In this way, every box of Australian oranges purchased can be traced back to the farm they were grown. Also, Australian packing houses send samples of oranges to laboratories for testing to ensure food safety.”
“We note that there is a strong demand from Filipino consumers for fresh, tasty ingredients that is safe and healthy, and this is helping drive demand for fresh Australian citrus products,” Austrade Senior Trade Commissioner Anthony Weymouth explained. “Filipinos are also looking for great value.   The Asean Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement enables most temperate fruits from Australia, such as oranges, to enter the Philippines tariff-free, so Filipino consumers can enjoy affordable, fresh products without comprising food safety,” he added.

Australian Oranges—Now in Season includes a monthlong retail promotion by Citrus Australia and the Australian Embassy covering key groceries and supermarkets in Metro Manila. It runs from August through September in major supermarkets and grocery stores in Metro Manila. Shoppers and their families can enjoy the sweet, safe and healthy freshness of Australian oranges through sampling activities every weekend in Metro Manila branches of Robinsons Supermarket, Rustan’s Fresh, Rustan’s Supermarket and Shopwise.

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