Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Getting ready for summer

Getting ready for summer

In photo: Madam Lovely Romulo, Embassy of Argentina charge d’ affaires Monica Derregibus and Dr Vicki Belo

KEEPING beautiful is hard work. That is the reason many lovely ladies often take time off to pamper themselves with a massage or treatments at the salon during their free time. And if you happen to be an envoy or a diplomat’s spouse, there is much pressure to always put your best foot forward.
Embassy of Venezuela charge d’ affaires Yelitza Ventura Polanco (right) with Marlyn Natero and Hayden Kho

Celebrity beauty specialist Vicki Belo, founder of the Belo Medical Group, treated recently the love ladies of the diplomatic corps to an exclusive luncheon at her sumptuous home in Makati City. After a lavish feast that had the ladies oohing and aahing, they were introduced to the latest and innovative procedures and products now available at Belo clinics.

Mesdames Fehmina Safdar of Pakistan and Sylvia Tay-Van Remoortele of Belgium, Edward Mendez and madam Ira Petranto
Among those present that afternoon were a number of deputy heads of missions and ambassadors’ wives, including Kai Wang (Austria), Sylvia Tay-Van Remoortele (Belgium), Isabelle Garachon (France), Sameera Alkamaly (Iraq), Evelyn Farounbi (Nigeria), Fehmina Safdar (Pakistan), Gracita Sieber (Switzerland), Embassy of Argentina Chargé d’Affaires Monica Derregibus and Embassy of Venezuela Chargé d’Affaires Yelitza Ventura Polanco, among others.

Mesdames Isabelle Garachon of France, Gracita Sieber of Switzerland, Hayden Kho with Iraqui attaché Rawya Ali Shanyar and madam Sameera Alkamaly of Iraq

Mesdames Gracita Sieber of Switzerland Evelyn Farounbi of Nigeria, with Edward Mendez and madam Kai Wang of Austria

Before the ladies went on their merry ways after the presentation, they were all gifted with a box of tempting Belo Beauty Chocolates that would soon be available in all clinics.

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