Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The importance of being beautiful in the workplace

The importance of being beautiful in the workplace

by  - 

In Photo: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Inc. (AmCham) Chairman and Director Don Felbaum, Belo Medical Group Founder and Medical Director Dr. Vicki Belo and AmCham Executive Director Ebb Hinchliffe.
Belo and Peter Lau
Belo and Peter Lau
JUST because you are holed up at your office eight hours a day, five days a week, that doesn’t mean that you should also forget to take care of your personal wellness. That was the gist of the talk delivered by renowned beauty expert Dr. Vicki Belo during a seminar with officers and staff of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Inc. (AmCham).
Belo, who is founder and CEO of the Belo Medical Group, was the featured guest during the talk “Reinventing the Workforce Value.”
She focused on how beauty creates more opportunities, as well as “the importance of being gorgeous in a professional setting.”
Held at AmCham’s headquarters in Makati City, the meeting was organized by the AmCham Health and Wellness Committee.
Also discussed during the meeting were the most sought-after procedures offered by the internationally accredited clinic, as well as various popular products, like ZO Skin Health, Belo collagen drink and Belo herbal diet pills.

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